Tales Of Eleutheros Read online

Page 6

  The young Dae saw this and let out a scream of his own. Daniel saw a bright light, burst to light in the palm of the creatures already raised hand. If it was not for his already adrenaline drenched reflexes, Daniel would have most certainly been killed. A massive burst of electricity shot from his hand toward Daniel’s face. He leaned back as far as he could to dodge it but was still hit with a large amount of energy. The force blew him off his feet almost a full yard. Daniel crashed into the stone floor convulsing and screaming.

  The young Dae looked on in amazement at what he had done. Daniel writhed for several seconds but managed to get his bearing and began to stand. The Dae saw this and hurried to get on his feet as well.

  “Ahh…” Daniel groaned in pain as he stood. “What the fuck… was that?” His legs wobbled and buckled as he started to put weight on them. He could hear the muffled screams and shouts from his companions. Katrina’s voice rang louder than the others. She was telling him to get up. He shook his head to clear it and shot a deathly glare at the young Dae who had managed to knock him on his back. His left arm was still numb from the discharge, but he still managed to pick up his spear. -I can’t let one of those blasts get me.- He thought to himself. -A direct hit would do some serious damage.- Daniel's eyes began to scan the area. There had to be something he could do. He couldn’t hear his ally’s battles with their opponents raging behind him as he should have. - I thought they weren’t going to use their power- He thought, using his discipline to refrain from looking back. Daniel refocused on the current threat in front of him. Looking to the Dae’s boots, Daniel gauged the distance between them, it was approximately ten feet. Easy enough for one to lunge across but also easy enough to get fried by strange sorcery.

  Daniel noted the Dae opening his hands again, conjuring light once more in his palms. Daniel knew he no longer had any time to think. He grabbed his spear and lunged again at his opponent. Daniel knew the same trick would not work twice, and though he had no true training with a spear, at this distance if he threw it, it would probably hit its mark. Daniel let out a yell and threw the spear as best he could at the warrior. The spear was thrown hard but was inaccurate. The Dae merely bobbed to the side to avoid the deadly airborne weapon. The extra second of time, however, was just enough to get Daniel close. The Dae pushed his hand out to unleash another blast of electricity, but Daniel grabbed his wrist and, with all his strength, pushed his hand up toward the ceiling. The discharge blasted upward and exploded on the roof of the throne room, bringing pieces of stone down to the makeshift arena. He could hear the creature babbling and grunting in his strange language. Daniel let out another roar of anger and brought his fist with all his might straight into the young warrior’s face. The force of the blow sent the Dae to the floor again, but Daniel had a hold on his wrist. Pulling him up with his left arm, Daniel brought his elbow back and smashed it into his face. The Dae grunted and a strangely colored fluid burst from his mouth. Daniel let him go at this point and watched him fall to the floor, unconscious. The human took a deep breath and picked up the Dae’s spear from the stone floor. He had thrown his almost clear across the throne room.

  Daniel whirled around to engage the next enemy, but only saw Oros and Boros standing and looking at him. Daniel could feel the whole room focused on him. There was a deathly silence as the seconds ticked by. Oros and Boros had handily defeated their opponents and had seen the tail end of Daniel’s fight. “We won?” he asked, looking at the two brothers.

  The silence continued to dawdle until Lord Agron shouted something to his two sons. They began to argue back, and Avria entered the fray, yelling something in return. Daniel was still heated from the battle which had ended only moments prior. There was chaos as they shot words back and forth; Daniel could see they were not happy. He looked then to Robert and Katrina, his companions who could understand their language--maybe he could read them and get a grasp on the situation. They looked horrified. “What the hell is going on?” Daniel shouted. As he did, the surrounding guards brought their spears, which had been pointed up at a position of attention, down to point at him. Daniel stepped back and pointed his own toward them.

  “Enough!” finally rang out, like a blast from a cannon, loud and powerful, bringing silence to the chaotic throne room.

  Daniel grabbed his head with his left hand. The overwhelming voice had caused a sharp pain in it, identical to what he experienced in the Spirit Forest. He had felt this pain before, he thought, had heard this voice before. Daniel began looking around frantically for the source of this terribly intimidating voice. Hanging on the head of a statue that decorated the upper area of the throne room sat a gargoyle-like creature. Daniel’s eyes widened in fear and amazement as he found it; it was the same creature that had stalked them in the Spirit Forest.

  “That is quite enough…” The gargoyle said more calmly, in his deep and raspy voice. It let several moments pass before it spoke again. “Since when does Agron… Lord of House Ignos… take the word of a known fool… over the word of his own children?”

  Daniel reeled a bit from the words. He could understand this creature for some reason. Agron began to speak, stuttering slightly as he did. Daniel grimaced at the unknown words, looking back to the gargoyle.

  “I have been following them… and as your brave son has said… these creatures were given my blessing.” The creature leaped from the statue extending its wings and landed with a heavy thud before Daniel. The human stumbled from the sudden and direct approach but managed to stay on his feet.

  “You… Lord of Ignos… will not harm them.” The creature then looked directly at Daniel. It’s piercing yellow eyes entranced him--he was frozen and helpless. There was an energy that pulsed from the creature, weakening him.

  “Be at ease human…” it said, raising a long, muscled arm to Daniel’s chest. “It would seem that you require spiritual energy to communicate with the Dae.”

  The creature pressed his hand against Daniel’s chest, and almost instantly, he was filled with a burst of wild and powerful energy. His eyes widened, and he grunted as the flow increased. Then, as quickly as it began, the flow stopped.

  Daniel felt dizzy for a moment and stumbled to one knee. There was a fierce feeling inside of him like something had opened, like a missing piece of his life had been returned to him.

  “What… did you do to me?” Daniel asked, breathing heavily.

  He heard Oros let out a cheer and begin to shout something. Daniel looked over to him, then grinned weakly. “Understood that, did you?” Oros gave him a grin in return, nodding in the affirmative.

  “Human…” The gargoyle said slowly, getting Daniel’s attention. “I have exposed you to the energy of the spirits. I have watched its effects on your companions… and seen that you will develop this over a short time. I do not yet understand what you are or why you react this way to our power, but we will watch… and learn.”

  The creature then looked to Agron with focused eyes. “You… Lord Agron, will you appease the will of the spirits and watch over these humans?”

  Agron said something with a slight bow.

  “Very good…” it said in response.

  The gargoyle spirit turned its back to Daniel and began to sink into the floor. The sight disturbed him, but before anyone could react, it was gone.

  Everyone was silent again, and Daniel turned slowly to an approaching Oros. The Prince placed his hand on Daniel’s shoulder and let out a triumphant yell. Daniel looked to the Dae who he had knocked unconscious. He was just now beginning to sit up with the assistance of two other warriors.

  Daniel glanced at the ground exhaling loudly, then looked to Oros.

  “So… What now?”

  Chapter 7

  Daniel leaned his head against the stone wall of his new accommodations--a medium size room with next to nothing inside. He looked to the only piece of furniture that sat in the corner, a small stone stool. Oros was kind enough to lend him blankets and new clothing, but he had not se
en or heard from the Dae in almost twelve hours; any attempt to leave ended with the guard who was stationed outside the door pointing a spear at him. Daniel sighed as he looked at his new attire: A plain brown and loose-fitting tunic that hung down to just above his knees. He had a long black sash that he used as a belt, and baggy tan trousers that were tucked into his boots. The clothes were clearly not the most luxurious, but they were clean and warm. Daniel then looked at his fingernails, caked with dirt and blackened at the tips. He shook his head at the sight and tried to run his fingers through his hair. It was thick and clumpy with dirt. -I need a shower…- He thought to himself. -Feels like I’ve been in here forever.- Daniel looked at the door for what must have been the hundredth time since he first entered the room. -I wonder how Robert and Katrina are doing…-

  His mind began to wander again. He thought of home, the convention, the last thing he said to his friends who stood a few feet from him when the bright light sucked them into this strange world. -They have to be here…- He flexed his fingers. He remembered the Ward of Agron speak of another human who was burned alive. A sudden pit formed in his stomach. “I hope it wasn’t Henry… or Angelo…”

  Suddenly there were footsteps outside. His door began to rattle, and the latch that secured it lifted from its lock. The door creaked open, and a Dae warrior stepped in.

  “He’s here, my lady,” he said, looking out the open doorway. Daniel smirked at the words. He could understand them now.

  Then a slender and beautiful looking Dae walked in. She strode with the grace of a feline, swaying her hips, and her long pearl white hair was tied back to show her face in all its beauty. She had delicate features and eyes that beamed with curiosity and sincerity. Daniel dusted himself off as he stood from the floor. She looked directly at him for a moment, then cocked her head slightly to the side. “Can you… understand me?” She asked, bringing a smile to her face as the last words left her lips. Daniel paused for a moment, slightly stunned. She had the same sharp canine teeth as all the other Dae he had met. It gave her a beautiful but somewhat feral look.

  “Uhh… Yes, I can understand you” Daniel finally said.

  Her eyes gleamed at his words and she extended her hand, palm down. “My name is Illya of house Ignos, I am sister to Oros and Boros.”

  Daniel raised his eyebrow and looked down at her hand. He knew it was some sort of greeting, but he wasn’t sure how to proceed.

  She waited for several moments before realizing her instinctual gesture was out of place. “Oh!” She said, bringing her hand back to her side. “I’m sorry, it is a habit. I know you don’t understand our customs at the moment.”

  Daniel raised his hand slightly to stop her. “No worries, my name is Daniel. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  She gave him a girlish nod, still maintaining her smile. “My brother sent me to fetch you. He said that they had come to some sort of understanding.”

  Daniel narrowed his eyes. “I’m sorry Illya, but I have to ask. Why did they just leave me here for a full day? And where are my friends, Robert and Katrina?”

  Illya stuttered a bit as she answered. “Oh… uh… They are… uh, they’re fine. Boros went to go get them already. Were you not properly fed? Oros gave strict orders to ensure that you were taken care of.”

  Daniel shook his head. “No, the food was delicious.” He said, reminiscing on the several meals he had received while waiting. “Never mind,” he said, shaking his head again.

  Illya lead him out into the stone hallway. The small balls of flame he recognized from the day before still floated near the ceiling, lighting their way.

  The two walked for several minutes, making a few turns, and finally came to a large wooden door. There were two warriors posted at either side, and one lifted the latch and pushed it open for them. Illya entered, and Daniel followed. Inside was a massive table set with enormous amounts of food arranged in a decorative manner. It was all food he absolutely did not recognize--strange animals arranged across platters with alien fruits and salads. Daniel was taken aback by this. He looked to the left end of the large table to see Lord Agron standing to greet them, and his Ward, Avria, to his left who did the same. Daniel walked in and looked to his right. Oros had already stood as well and was walking over to greet him. Behind him was Boros, Robert, and Katrina, who were talking amongst themselves.

  “There you are!” Oros said, clasping Daniel’s arm with a smile. “It is good to see you again my friend.”

  Daniel returned the gesture. “It is good to see you as well, and finally good to have an actual conversation.”

  Oros laughed and gestured him toward Lord Agron.

  Daniel approached and bowed his head, much the same way he did when they first met, though this was under much different circumstances.

  “Please…” The Hego said, gesturing to an open chair next to him. “Sit down.”

  Daniel sat and waited as servants came and fixed his plate for him. He looked across the table to Avria, who gave him what could only be perceived as a glare. He didn’t look away. Illya took the seat next to Daniel, and Oros sat next to her.

  “Now then,” Lord Agron began, “I must apologize for the delay, but we needed to sort out our own affairs.” He motioned to several unoccupied seats. “There are many of our holy men who are deeply offended that we have not followed the example of our king and purified you, but they weren’t there. They didn’t see Gro’ak appear and bestow his blessing upon you.” The Hego looked off to the side slightly, lost in the memory of what had happened in the throne room.

  Daniel paused for a moment. “I’m sorry. Gro’ak?” He asked, looking at Oros to his right across Illya.

  “Gro’ak is the elder spirit who intervened and saved your life,” Oros replied. “He is one of the most revered and powerful spirits in the Spirit Forest.”

  Agron nodded in agreement with his son. “The fool that Gro’ak was referring to is the High Espi Dae…” The Hego grumbled. “He is the head of spiritual matters in Belous City, and let’s just say… He did not acquire his position from standing on a podium to preach words of wisdom to all of Pelemont.”

  “Many see him as a corrupt fool…” Avria interjected. “But still, he has the favor of the King, and we did what we had to in order to maintain our good standing with them.” She looked at Agron and frowned slightly. “It is more than just the spirit’s wrath we must fear my Lord. The political repercussions will be… severe.”

  Daniel clenched his fist and scowled at her. The words angered him. Someone else, another human being, woke up in this strange and dangerous world, alone and afraid, and was burned alive. Daniel cursed under his breath, but still, he remained silent.

  “Is something wrong human?” Avria asked with an obviously pretentious tone. “You also must understand the situation we are in.” She turned toward him, placing her hands on the table. “Lord Agron has agreed to shelter you, but this will put us at odds with our Clan leaders.”

  Daniel nodded as she finished. He looked to Lord Agron who sat with his arms folded across his chest. “I need more time to contemplate…” The Hego said, looking to his son Oros sitting next to Illya. The older Dae’s brow furrowed and Oros’ did the same, but with fewer wrinkles.

  “Father,” Boros called from across the table. Daniel looked over to the young Dae. He seemed mostly excluded from the conversation, along with Robert and Katrina. Daniel took this moment to take note of exactly how close Boros was sitting next to Katrina and narrowed his eyes. He was interested in her… very interested, it seemed.

  “I would suggest,” he said, looking to Oros, then back to Agron. “that we show our new guests how hospitable the house of Ignos can be.” He took a few moments and stood, holding a bowl of dark liquid. “I can take them through our village. Show them who we are as a people.”

  Agron chuckled with a grin on his face now. He seemed to have a soft spot for his youngest son.

  “I don’t see why not my Lord,” Avria said, leaning b
ack in her chair. “We have already done as much damage to our standing with the Espi-Dae that could be done. Parading these creatures through the street should at least quell some of the rumors with the common folk.”

  Agron raised his bowl of dark liquid to his son and nodded. Boros smiled at his father and sat back down next to Katrina. He began explaining excitedly to her everywhere he was going to take her. Robert nudged in around her to listen and include himself.

  Daniel let out a sigh and looked to his half-eaten plate of food. He had been attempting to nibble at it as much as he possibly could throughout the conversation, but still found his appetite lacking. Agron stood from his chair at the head of the table. “I must attend to business,” he said, finishing the last bit of beverage he had in his bowl. “Feel free to explore… but I do advise you to keep in the company of my children. We are not sure how the Espi-Dae will react to all that has happened.” Daniel nodded and the Hego made his way out.

  “I will escort you, my friend.” Oros said, “There is much I’m sure you are interested in seeing here.”

  “Yeah...” Daniel leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. “It looks like we’re stuck here. Might as well make the most of it.”