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Tales Of Eleutheros Page 9

  Oros turned to the group and opened one of two massive stone doors as smoothly as though it were light as a feather.

  Daniel stood for a moment, not sure whether to proceed first or not. He noticed some of the Dae warriors around him, chuckling amongst each other. He looked to Robert and Katrina for a moment, only to see that they were already looking at him. It was clear they were waiting for him to make the first move. He sighed openly and pressed forward, walking through the large door and into the dome.

  chapter 12

  Katrina watched Daniel walk headlong through the large doorway. She glanced to Boros, who stood beside her and gestured for her to enter with a charming smile and a nod. The girl sighed almost exactly as Daniel had, and walked past Oros into the structure. She was suddenly struck by a cool blast of air that rushed by her, trying to escape through the open door. The sudden gust gave her goosebumps as the thin sheet of sweat evaporated on her skin and chilled her. Her jaw gaped at the inside of this magnificent dome. The air was cool, and it must have stood hundreds of feet above them. Her neck ached as she looked above to grasp the sheer magnitude of what she was now seeing. The dome draped above them, with bright balls of flame that hovered in midair, shedding brilliant light so you could see clearly inside. She looked to see a similar set-up within as the vast training field they had just seen outside. The bleachers on the sides that surrounded the vacant middle were much taller now. This was clearly an arena, with walls surrounding an area for combat, and a portion of seats that were set apart, reminiscent of a Roman Podium for their emperors to lounge and watch gladiators fight.

  Katrina noticed Daniel in front of her, his head turning like hers, drinking in all that there was to see.

  By this time, Oros and the rest of the party were already inside, and the massive doors closed with a light thud.

  “Mighty impressive, isn’t it?” Oros said, looking and admiring the arena with a smirk. “This is called the Glade. It was built thousands of years ago, by our ancestors. Powerful spirits protect it, and others outside, from the fierce battles that rage within.”

  The Dae prince lead them to the royal box, and to a large group of warriors that stood mingling just inside. The group of them grew silent as Oros and his party approached, save several hushed murmurs and a mix of smiles and sneers.

  It was then that Katrina noticed Avria standing among them, her grey skin and brilliant eyes bore deep and narrowed, unblinking, at Daniel. Her white hair was up in a sort of ponytail now, and her hand was on the hilt of the bone blade at her waist. She stood with an aura of confidence and skill, daring all who beheld her to challenge her. Katrina swallowed the lump in her throat and began to walk toward her.

  Avria did not seem to notice Katina as she approached, or perhaps she just did not see her as worthy of her attention. Either way, her eyes snapped to meet Katrina’s and she froze mid-stride. She did not speak, but it was obvious what she was thinking. -What the hell do you want?-

  Katrina gritted her teeth and strode forward, knowing she must look the fool, then being stopped by a glance.

  “He… Hello ma’am.” She stuttered as she approached.

  Avria studied her a long moment but did not reply. Instead, a thin line formed between her brow, and she looked at Katrina with clear displeasure.

  “I wanted to have a moment to speak with you,” Katrina said dryly. She could hear her heart beating in her ears, and feel sweat dripping down her back. -Holy shit she’s intimidating.- She thought to herself.

  This time Avria spoke. “What?” She said sharply, making it clear she had little patience. Her face looked hard as stone, and Katrina knew this conversation would be tricky.

  The human girl opened her mouth to speak, but stood dumbfounded, realizing in hot terror that she had completely forgotten what she was going to ask.

  “Uhh…” She said

  Avria looked somewhat puzzled by this, and her eyes softened just a bit in what Katrina hoped was amusement.

  “It’s just that I am impressed by you, that’s all. You carry yourself with such confidence. I was hoping I might get to know you better.” Her words came out fast and unorganized, like a dam that had burst.

  Avria cocked her head to the side slightly, now clearly amused.

  “Really.” She said, drawing out the word, not as a question, but more of a blunt statement.

  Katrina felt her ears turn red as the silence lingered for eternal seconds after.

  Then, Avria’s hard expression cracked slightly, as a thin smile curved the edge of her mouth.

  The Dae warrior motioned Katrina to follow and turned to walk further into the royal box. Katrina was moving before she realized, and trailed eagerly behind her.

  The two women sat down on some very soft sofas that faced each other. Katrina’s mind briefly strayed from the situation, her hands sliding over the velvet like fabric.

  “So,” Avria said, pulling her attention.

  She sat with her legs crossed, and the grace of a lioness. Her crimson cloak draped around her and opened to reveal her torso. She was a slender woman, and even through the bone breastplate she wore, Katrina could tell that she had a near perfect figure.

  “Well.” Katrina cleared her throat. “I have seen the way you have been looking at us. I know you probably don’t like us very much, and-”

  “It isn’t what you think,” Avria said, cutting her off. “I do not look at you people as the herald of our end times like the Espi Dae, but I don’t trust you either. Our king gave us a command, and my Hego chose to ignore it.”

  “The Hego is… Agron, right?” Katrina interjected.

  Avria’s conversational momentum was stifled at this question. She blinked and began again. “I keep forgetting that you creatures know nothing of our customs. Yes, Lord Agron is our Hego and is the leader of the Ignos Clan, which resides here in Vul De Rah. Our King, Yomin, reigns from Vul De Mar, the Capital of Lokkon.” She pointed her hand behind her nonchalantly. “He is also head of the Magune’ clan, and we are ultimately his subjects, but my loyalty is to my Hego.”

  Katrina nodded, thinking hard on her next question. This world seemed to follow some definite similarities to earth's ancient history, at least what she knew of it.

  “And it isn’t all of you,” Avria said glancing daggers at Daniel, who stood now talking with several warriors.

  Katrina followed her eyes and saw the man.

  “This one I do not like.”

  “He was just trying to keep us alive,” Katrina said weakly

  This seemed to amuse Avria again, even more than before because she let out a sharp laugh.

  “You are loyal to your mate; this I can understand.”

  Katrina’s eyes narrowed. “He isn’t my mate. I don’t even know him.” Her hands gestured toward him. “We met only recently when we woke up in your world.”

  She pointed to Robert, who sat with Illya and Oros, seeming to enjoy a conversation. “He’s my mate.” She said bluntly.

  “Him?” Avria said surprised.

  “Yes, HIM,” Katrina emphasized the last word. “And I don’t know why, but I have had to explain this to Illya already.”

  The name seemed to sting the Dae woman a bit. She looked down and cleared her throat to continue.

  “Well, I suppose it isn’t any of my concern.”

  Suddenly Oros began to shout for someone. Katrina looked to him, slightly startled.

  “Nasha!” He yelled as a female warrior entered the royal box. She had long flowing hair that shined a brilliant red. Her skin was a paler red that looked soft as silk. Her eyes though were hard and almond shaped. She had a beautiful face, with soft edges, and a slender neck. Her crimson cloak billowed in behind her, and she strode toward Oros with absolute confidence.

  “My Prince Oros!” She called extending her right hand to grasp Oros’ left shoulder, he smiled and mimicked the gesture.

  Katrina noticed Avria stand and captured a small glimpse of her stern face again as she
moved out of sight of the reunion.

  Nasha released Oros’ shoulder and smiled, revealing the Dae’s signature canine teeth, giving her gentle smile a slight animal edge.

  “I came as soon as I could, my Lord. There is so much I have been told since my return. Monsters from another world, spirits manifesting in the throne room, it seems so unbelievable.”

  Oros let his smile slip away and looked to his left.

  Nasha followed with her eyes and was shocked to see Robert standing surprisingly close to her.

  Nasha’s face went blank with disbelief. “So, it’s true then…” she muttered to herself.

  She looked around the room and spotted Daniel, then her eyes met Katrina’s.

  Not knowing quite what to do, Katrina smiled weakly and gave her most convincing and nonthreatening nod.

  Oros took the next thirty or so minutes to explain from his firsthand account, how they came upon the humans, and all that had transpired up until this point.

  “I don’t like this.” She said, sighing. “There is too much talk of death on the road, my Lord. Raiding parties from the South of Goh river, no doubt the blasted Rexunii. Killing our people, capturing them; and now this.” She said, gesturing to the three humans who sat around her. “These are becoming dangerous times.”

  “Indeed, they are,” Oros said, nodding in agreement. “But our human guests? They have been given the blessing of Gro’ak, and my father has permitted them to stay with our clan unharassed.”

  The room began to fill as a steady stream of new crimson-clad warriors entered behind Nasha.

  “One of the reasons I was glad you arrived was because our friends here are interested in observing how the Dunamis is used.”

  Nasha looked curiously at the humans. “Do they possess no power of their own?”

  “It would appear not.” He replied.

  The young woman leaned back in the chair she was now sitting in and smirked. “Well my prince, you have but to ask, and your command will be followed without question.” She bowed her head in a playful manner.

  Oros chuckled. “Very well then. Pick an opponent, and give us a spectacular display.”

  Nasha stood from her chair and began to look around her. She scanned every face in the room and her eyes fell on the younger prince Boros. A sinister smile crawled across her delicate features. “My young prince.” She said, bowing her head slightly. “Would you honor our guests with a display of your skill? I have not seen you grace the sands of the Glade since you won the red.”

  Boros’ face went blank, save his eyes, which darted to his older brother, his sister, and then to Katrina. “Well.” He said, shaking the uncertainty from his mind. “It would be an honor to fight against one so talented.” Boros turned on them and began to walk out the door.

  “Perfect!” Oros exclaimed. “Sit my friends, this will be a good show.”

  chapter 13

  Daniel took his seat in the royal box, making sure to have a good view of the battleground below. Dae were filling the seats around him and making bets on the duel that was to come.

  Illya sat down cheerfully next to him with an exaggerated huff. “This is so exciting.” She said, handing him a bowl of dark liquid. Daniel accepted the drink but looked down questioningly at it.

  “Looks like wine.” He said, bringing it to his nose to smell.

  “It IS wine.” Illya’s smile spread. “I didn’t think you would know what it was. Do you have wine in your world?”

  “Yes, but...” Daniel smelled it again. “This definitely smells a little sweeter.” He took a sip and suddenly found his mouth was filled with the sweet taste of some unknown fruit.

  Illya laughed as Daniel squinted his eyes and furrowed his brow. “I take it you are not particularly fond of the taste.”

  “No, it’s just way different from what I’m used to. Our wine is pretty bitter.”

  “This is my favorite.” She said, bringing the bowl to her lips and taking a long sip. “It’s made from Lylat fruit.”

  Daniel stared at the young Dae woman, her skin smooth and her eyes a bright yellow. The unnatural and feral characteristics laid in sharp contrast to her elegance and civility. She was a stunningly beautiful creature. She looked down to the arena below and pointed lazily.

  “Here he comes. The mighty warrior that is my brother.” She sighed, but with a smile. “I don’t understand him. Nasha clearly wants to humiliate him, but he falls for her taunts.” Her smile melted away at the thought. “She only wants to impress Oros.”

  “Why is that?” Daniel asked.

  “Isn’t it obvious? So she can help lead the clan from his right hand. He is the eldest child of Ignos, and therefore entitled to all of our lands and subjects. The creature wants to sink her teeth into him, the little harlot.”

  Daniel looked down to see Boros walking to the center of the arena. He was no longer wearing his cloak of crimson. This revealed the breastplate made from bone that all the Dae warriors had worn. It left his arms bare, and Daniel could see that the young Dae prince was in exceptional shape. He noted that they appeared to have the same arm muscles, biceps, triceps, etc. They seemed similar is so many ways. He observed Boros begin to stretch and draw his bone sword in the process. The blade had a slight curve to it but had clear distinctions. It was all a single piece. No signs of hammering or tampering; in addition, the blade seemed smooth and shined with the brilliance of polished ivory. It also seemed heavier than it should be. Though looking as if it was made of bone, Boros hefted it as though it was made of strong steel.

  “How would humiliating Boros impress Oros?” Daniel asked.

  Illya let out a sharp laugh that drew some attention of the Dae that surrounded them. “Well, she would take any opportunity to prance around half naked. My poor brother is a man after all.” She chuckled to herself.

  “But in all seriousness.” She continued, “Nasha has built up quite the reputation with our noble caste as somewhat of a bully. Boros is of the Ignos bloodline, and very powerful. I suppose if she belittles him in front of Oros she somehow believes it will elevate her station. I don’t understand the workings of Dae like her, but she has made no friend of me.” She sighed, looking at her brother in his preparation. “I just hope she doesn’t make a fool of him down there.”

  Illya was cut off by the sight of Nasha entering the arena, and as the Dae princess predicted, she was wearing very little above her waist. Her trousers were normal enough, not unsimilar to the light ones that Daniel himself now wore. Hers were considerably tighter and showed her feminine figure. Her feet were bare as well, wrapped around the arches tightly. Above, she wore only a wrapping of bandages that covered her breasts. The sight brought Daniel’s unwavering attention.

  Illya scoffed in disbelief. “I told you, didn’t I?”

  Boros stopped his stretching when she approached. He narrowed his eyes at the girl, who just laughed. She held her sword in her right hand and crouched in a fighting pose, holding the blade above her head. Daniel noticed her sword was different; it was straight and thin but had barbs on the bottom near the handguard. The bone-like blades seemed to have a flawless edge and looked as though they were as smooth as marble.

  Cheers began to roar from the Dae warriors who sat around Daniel, and from many more who were pouring into the Dome to watch the duel.

  Oros stood and called for silence. “Let it be known that by the laws of our king, I hereby declare that this duel is held in formal standing! It will be recorded as such in the archives of this mighty and ancient arena! The rules and limitations are as follows. There will be no lethal or dishonorable blows given, whether by blade or the frantically. If I feel as though one of you has violated this, I will intervene, and the violator will be disqualified.

  There were several moments of silence as the prince scanned the faces of the Dae waiting patiently for the battle to begin. The two combatants bowed and faced each other again.

  The tension built, flooding the arena with heavy an

  “Begin!” Oros shouted.

  Nasha’s head shot up from her bow, and within the span of a second, she was already moving to flank Boros. Her feet slid across the soft sand with a grace Daniel had never seen. It was smooth and fast, but terrifying in its own right. Boros did not mimic her movements, only casually lifting his weapon and crouching in a guarded stance.

  The female Dae leaped at him, rising unnaturally high as she did, and brought her sword down with a loud crack. It sounded like they were fighting with wooden sticks, but the clear weight and sharpness of the bone-like swords told a different tale.